Questions? We've got answers.

Courses On Sale is an exclusive deal site just for online courses in a variety of industries. 

And we say courses, we don’t mean those put out by universities.

Courses listed on this site are created by experts in a given industry.

While we don’t yet have an exact date, we expect to launch by the end of Q1 2021.

Enter your email address here to get notified.

If you’re looking to get your course in front of a new audience, go here and fill out the submission form. 

Note that submissions do not guarantee that your course will be listed. However, we can’t list your course without it!

Registering for an account is completely free. 

Courses On Sale will retain 30% of the sales made on any given course.

For example, if you list your course at a discounted price of $47, your net profit on each sale is $32.90 ($47 x .70)

Course fees are how we make money and remain operational. 

Course creators should view this as an advertising expense to reach a new audience.
